Sunday, February 1, 2015

And so it begins

I've had a lifelong love affair with words drawn by their form and function, their ability and limitation, the immense joy and astounding pain they deliver so effortlessly. As this affair has progressed I have come to realize that what I love most is that words become something real to those that hear them. Reality thus is spoken into existence controlled by so many, often unaccounted for variables that are delivered by people with little awareness of what exactly it is that they are doing. It is through words that we create our reality and the reality of so many others that we touch. Yet so often we neglect our words, lose our voices in the noise of daily life or manipulate them to ease our pain through the verbal blows we throw at an unsuspecting world. There is a power in words that cannot be met by any other medium. Words have incited nations, fueled rebellions, created unity, established peace, and so much more. The outcome of one simple word, taking mere seconds to utter, can be a reality spanning epochs. The power lies with directing the dialogue, the choice between progress and destruction is no more than a word. Let us spend our words with purpose.

I place my words here with no real intention attributed to their delivery. I suppose I write just to write anymore. It lends clarity to the foggy places in my mind, fleshes out ideas that one day will become a reality for me. More than anything I suppose I seek to refine my understanding of my own perspective, taking it out of my mind and creating a tangible rendition of it allows a critical process to begin. In the end I suppose I am always looking for something, for a connection or an understanding perhaps. Most often it is something that I cannot even begin to identify, let alone ascertain the driving force behind it - perhaps it is merely an insatiable curiosity about the inner workings of both my mind and the world around me. What I do know is that on this blank space I find whatever it is I am looking for and it drives me onward. It provides an unrelenting motivation that brings peace and satisfaction to the otherwise mundane rigor of daily reality.

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