Monday, May 18, 2015


For as long as I can remember I've been leaving home. When I was a little girl I would lay in the grass and look at the clouds trying to find a way to get one of them to take me away.  They never seemed to listen.  I made big plans with incredible detail about how I would leave. In college I planned to apply to Oxford for my masters degree. I constructed the greatest ex-pat life for myself. But life didn't seem to listen. I never even applied.

I remember having a United Nations ambassador come to my school as a girl, he spoke seven langauges fluently and I was in awe. I dreamed of growing up to join the UN or work in foreign service. And every country I've ever traveled to I searched out the ambassador's house I dreamt of the life I could have there.

I would spend my summer days going on bike rides as a girl to farthest boudaries of the surrounding neigborhoods making up stories about the houses, traveling to distant lands with each street I passed.

For as long as I can remember I have been leaving. Never putting down solid roots, always waiting for my great adventure. I suppose life is full of compromises. And I've made many.

I officially made it 108 miles from my childhood house. Not quite my ideal itinerary. Sometimes I start to itch as if I've become allergic to this place I cannot call home. I wonder how long it will take before the city swallows me whole. Or before I break the walls down and never look back. I wonder which part of myself I will give into.

I wonder at the madness of it all. Of a little girl who has spent her life with eyes addicted to the horizon. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

He is

You could live a thousand lifetimes and never meet a man like him. He is the kind of man that people write stories about. The kind of man that women want to love and men want to be. He is the strongest man I have ever seen. He has the kind of strength the runs not from a possessed source or an obsessed following, but from an inner reserve - steady and endless. The kind of strength the builds and multiplies; the kind of strength the forges landscapes.

Simply to see him is to know these things. And to know him is to be inspired by these things. There is a grace and nobility in his movement and demeanor. A sort of unmentioned benevolence. I suppose most people would call it charisma or charm. But it is more than that. It is a pure authenticity of person. Not the kind of self important personage found in many of his kind - but rather a trueness to his self and others that cannot be defined. 

He is intoxicating, thought provoking, inspiring, and motivating. He has my truest admiration and deepest respect. Two things I don't often bestow on anyone and never both on the same person. There are some people that alter you - not because they control you or manipulate you, but because who they are resonates with you. And when you've met them you cannot see the world or yourself as you once did. He is one of those people. 

I will write stories about him. They will take many forms. Some will be for the world to read, some of them will be only whispers in the night, and some will be silent even - kept safely inside of me. But there isn't a way I would rather spend my words than on him. On the many ways you can string words together to create his likeness.

He is the most perfect symmetry.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

we little fools

How foolish are we. We judge one man by the sins of another. We look disparagingly at others for the faults in ourselves. We speak and act from our own fear and pain in an attempt to protect that which by doing so we will only break. We have none in life to truly blame but ourselves yet we seldom accept any responsibility for the outcome of our lives. We live in despair when we have little to ever lement. We are short sighted - even those of us who find pride in our acuitY. We turn heroes into villains and villains into heroes for our gain and vanity. We look to future and view only the past. we are mortal but fancy ourselves divinely inspired in all that we do and yet accept not destiny or retribution unless it be of our own making. We return to our folly time and time again yet regard it as character. We are but little fools. We count pride above appreciation and delicacy above integrity. We think cold and unyielding force will turn an advantage and forget that the greater motivation of warmth and love drives all of us. We abandon encouragement in favor of punishment. We expect much yet give very little. And at the end of each day we count our measure in what surrounds instead of what is within us. We are but little fools.

Monday, May 4, 2015

the kingmaker's daughter

I am the kingmaker's daughter. For me life is found in the solutions. Life is simply a series of solutions - how do I pay my bills, how do I feed my family, how do I get along with the people I meet. These are all solutions that make up life.

Problems are no more than air for me - I breathe them, they are my fuel, my life source. I am the kingmaker's daughter - a tool built to solve even the most difficult problems. Bold in the face of the impossible, ready for the challenge. It should make for a life without fear but I would be lying if I said it is so.

The reality is that I am a tool and people are people. People are usually quite fond of my abilities happy to utilize me and I am always willing and ready. I suppose this should make me highly valuable and sought after, fir for a purpose. The problem with tools is that they are easily disposed of and replaced when they break, as all tools do - as all people do. I am not so arrogant as to think that I am the most elaborate or well suited or unbreakable tool of my kind. And thus my only fear is that I will one day break and be discarded of for will no longer be suitable. it seems an inevitable fate - a problem without a solution.

Its a problem I have drilled through and worked over in my mind even now as the odd hours of the morning fade into sunlight. And seems to me that the only resolution to my problem, the only thing capable of unraveling my fear, is love.

Love chooses to mend instead of discard. When we love we do so accepting all faults, all imperfections, all broken pieces and dedicate ourselves without condition. At least this is how I love.

But people are not consistent. Even the best people are up against their own fears, insecurities and imperfections - their own struggles. It seems unfair to expect someone else to carry my burden as well.

In the end I suppose what I fear is human nature - the tendancy of people to discard what they do not care for, what they cannot tolerate, what taxes or stresses them. And how can another person ease a fear that is based in human nature? The only way to combat human nature is qith understanding and that requires highest level of intimacy and compassion. But mostly people hide from these things trying to protect their dark spots their vulnerabilities from view.

You see I fear human nature not because I see it in others but because I see it's tendencies in myself - in my compulsion to find solutions. I know sometimes the best solution is to discard what does not work. And if such things are in me I suppose I believe they are in everyone. Maybe my fear is that everyone is like me but more reckless and less compassionate. Maybe I just want to proven wrong. Oh how I do hope the rest of the world is far better than I am.

But I am still the kingmaker's daughter and the day is risen so I must put my fear away.