Wednesday, May 6, 2015

we little fools

How foolish are we. We judge one man by the sins of another. We look disparagingly at others for the faults in ourselves. We speak and act from our own fear and pain in an attempt to protect that which by doing so we will only break. We have none in life to truly blame but ourselves yet we seldom accept any responsibility for the outcome of our lives. We live in despair when we have little to ever lement. We are short sighted - even those of us who find pride in our acuitY. We turn heroes into villains and villains into heroes for our gain and vanity. We look to future and view only the past. we are mortal but fancy ourselves divinely inspired in all that we do and yet accept not destiny or retribution unless it be of our own making. We return to our folly time and time again yet regard it as character. We are but little fools. We count pride above appreciation and delicacy above integrity. We think cold and unyielding force will turn an advantage and forget that the greater motivation of warmth and love drives all of us. We abandon encouragement in favor of punishment. We expect much yet give very little. And at the end of each day we count our measure in what surrounds instead of what is within us. We are but little fools.

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