Friday, May 15, 2015

He is

You could live a thousand lifetimes and never meet a man like him. He is the kind of man that people write stories about. The kind of man that women want to love and men want to be. He is the strongest man I have ever seen. He has the kind of strength the runs not from a possessed source or an obsessed following, but from an inner reserve - steady and endless. The kind of strength the builds and multiplies; the kind of strength the forges landscapes.

Simply to see him is to know these things. And to know him is to be inspired by these things. There is a grace and nobility in his movement and demeanor. A sort of unmentioned benevolence. I suppose most people would call it charisma or charm. But it is more than that. It is a pure authenticity of person. Not the kind of self important personage found in many of his kind - but rather a trueness to his self and others that cannot be defined. 

He is intoxicating, thought provoking, inspiring, and motivating. He has my truest admiration and deepest respect. Two things I don't often bestow on anyone and never both on the same person. There are some people that alter you - not because they control you or manipulate you, but because who they are resonates with you. And when you've met them you cannot see the world or yourself as you once did. He is one of those people. 

I will write stories about him. They will take many forms. Some will be for the world to read, some of them will be only whispers in the night, and some will be silent even - kept safely inside of me. But there isn't a way I would rather spend my words than on him. On the many ways you can string words together to create his likeness.

He is the most perfect symmetry.

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